Thursday, November 5, 2015

HR/Personality Theory

     Brandon here with another addition to my blog on human resources management for the Society for Human Resource Management ( we are going to be talking about a major personality theory and how it is used to conduct assessments. So before we begin, what is a personality theory? Good question! Even better, what is a personality? According to McLeod (2014), “personality is the organization within an individual which determines his or her characteristics” and “a personality theory is an attempt to explain personality and how it develops” (1). 

     Moving right along…! How many of my readers have ever heard the name Sigmund Freud? No, not fraud, Freud! He is the father of psychoanalysis and his personality theory comes to us as Psychosexual Stages. Go ahead and laugh, and no it does not refer to stages of killing your partner after sex. The psycho-sexual stages actually refer to developmental stages in which an individual’s sexual energy (libido) was focused on a specific part of his or her body, leading to frustration, pleasure, or both. 

     Freud stressed that the first five years of a child’s life were the most important in the formation of his or her adult personality. According to Freud, the id, ego, and superego must be able to develop during this time in order to satisfy social demands. The ego and superego act in a way to resolve the conflict established by frustrated wishes, and what society wants.

     Each stage in the psycho-sexual model is associated with a conflict that the individual must overcome in order to advance to the next stage of development. The more energy an individual exerts while attempting to overcome a particular conflict at any stage, the more the characteristics associated with that stage will be present when individual matures psychologically (McLeod, 2008).

     This theory is used to conduct research through testing such as the Freudian Personality Test. During this test, the subject is taken through all of the psycho-sexual development stages; oral, anal, phallic, latent, and genital and is asked to focus on those times in the individuals lives. Identification of problems during this test show how some people become fixated and how these fixations can lead to problems for the rest of their lives. Once a fixation is identified, treatment can be given to help the individual progress past that particular stage and possibly begin living a better and more meaningful life (, 2015).

      The thing that stands out to me the most are the names of the stages, I would think someone would pick more serious names or not so obvious names, I don’t know. Especially when the intention is for someone to take it serious when reading it, why call a slew of subject matter the “anal stage” and not expect a chuckle instead of a more serious tone. Just a thought. But I guess that’s why he’s famous and I am writing blogs for a living!

     Moving right along…..! On a more serious note, I think the ideas of the stages themselves were thought out and can be quite evident today. For example, I have three children all above potty training age. My two oldest, no problem with the potty training, and they are good in school, don’t have to be told things more than once, you know, they listen, they respect authority like they should. And then there’s my youngest, my God did Freud hit the nail on the head with him! This boy absolutely defied everything me and my wife tried until the bitter end when HE decided HE was done pooping on himself. And as Freud predicted, this is the child we have to tell the same things daily, “Quit running through the house”, “Quit being loud while your brother and sister are sleeping”. You know, text book hard head with an authority problem. This phenomena supports Freud’s stages and shows how the truth behind it still applies today!
     The psycho-sexual stages can be interpreted differently across cultures quite easily. Imagine the family where the child is left to run loose, bare butt around the house and the parents just hope to catch Sally or Billy hiding in the corner in time. Could those parents understand why little Sally and Billy later have a problem with authority and people telling them what to do and when to do it? Another way to look at this is through the nudist culture. Surely these individuals had an overabundance of stimulation when they noticed the opposite sex’s anatomical differences. They still walk around naked even though society does not accept it. But maybe there is a mix of a lack of guidance in the anal stage too, since they do not want to abide by authority and go so far as to set up private places for their birthday suit forays. To the nudist, do you think they see themselves as having a problem advancing through Freud’s stages, or do you think they could care less and enjoy their lives? Not a hard answer.

     Now before I leave you, ladies and gentlemen, I have three question I want to pose to you, just to inspire some thought. After I let you stew on it for a while, I’ll even be so kind as to give you answers based off of what I have just been telling you all this time!! See, aren’t I a nice host? Alright, so, why do people drink so much alcohol even though it can kill them will be my first question?  Another question would be, why do some people seem more prone to porn and masturbation than others? Finally, why is my child such a stiffler and cheapskate?

 …………………………………………………………………………………..wait for it……………………………………..wait for it……………………wait for it…………the answers. 

     People become orally fixated and just have to have something in their mouth, be it a cigarette, alcohol, or Lolli pop. Being allowed to suck the thumb or stick things in the mouth too often as a child can lead to these tendencies in adults if not corrected. Over stimulation during the genital stage can lead to a child developing a fixation with masturbating, and this can lead to problems if it carries over into the public. Special attention to how much touching, and anti-shaming, can help to correct this issue. Finally, an error in the anal stage and harsh potty training can make the child reluctant to let their poop go, or anything else they might value for that matter. This can manifest as problems sharing toys, spending money, or just being a cheap person in general.
Well, I hope this has been as educational for you as it has been fun for me. Until next post, don’t be anal!


  McLeod, S. A. (2008). Psychosexual Stages. Retrieved from 

McLeod, S. (2014). Theories of Personality. Retrieved from (2015). Freudian Personality Type Test. Retrieved from